Showing 1–12 of 13 results

Gymleco 010 Seated Row

This Seated row machine from Gymleco is very popular among gyms around the world. If you are planning to start

Gymleco 012 Iso Lateral Low Row

The Iso Lateral Low Row is incredibly popular among people that are picky with their gym equipment for their back

Gymleco 013 Iso Lateral High Row

Gymleco’s Iso Lateral High Row machine is an effective back machine with a long movement motion that rotates the entire

Gymleco 020 Lateral Incline Bench Press

Lateral Incline Bench Press primarily works the pectoralis major, (upper chest) as well as the anterior deltoid (front shoulder) and

Gymleco 021 Seated Chest Press

Seated Chest Press from Gymleco works effectively on the entire chest muscle. This because the movement is strongly angled, which

Gymleco 022 Iso Lateral Bench Press, Horizontal

Iso Lateral bench press is a plate loaded machine and the ultimate horizontal pushing exercise for chest. If you’ve ever

Gymleco 028 Standing Chest Press

This Standing Chest Press from Gymleco is a plate loaded machine with adjustable back and 10 different grip angles. Pressing

Gymleco 030 Shoulder Press

Shoulder Press from Gymleco in a plate loaded model and with an adjustable backrest. An adjustable back provides great variation

Gymleco 031 Shoulder Rotation

Shoulder Rotation from Gymleco with the correct movement path gives you the maximum effect in a safe way! This plate loaded

Gymleco 032 Upright Row

Upright Row is a perfect gym machine if you’re looking to build strength in delts, rear delts, arms and shoulders.

Gymleco 040 Leg Extension

The Leg Extension is one of the most common leg machines in the gym. You sit down, straighten your leg